Hope you have a wonderfully worshipful Wednesday!
Dear Lord, please use these songs to touch someone in a special way today. Help them to be able to have some time alone with You, to focus on only You, and worship You in word, song and every breath. We love You, Father!!
And here are the Wednesday Worship videos for today:
God bless,
About Jenn: I’m a Christian wife to an amazing man (since 1998) and a stay-at-home-teaching mom to four special & incredible boys (born in 2004, 2005, 2007, & 2009). I’m messy and cluttered, but working on that (really, I am!). I’m a discouraged perfectionist and a classic procrastinator who probably has both ADD & Autism, so I tend to jump from topic to topic (and activity to activity) without notice. My Love Languages are Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. I’m an INFP who enjoys friends but loves to be alone. I love getting and giving hugs, and encouragement is a Spiritual gift of mine that can too-easily be turned into the weapon of discouragement, if I’m not careful. I enjoy writing, singing, words, drawing, photography, digital creations, and reading. Oh, and pizza, tacos, and steak. Now I’m hungry. That reminds me; I eat gluten free and try to eat organic and avoid white sugar and GMOs as much as possible. Find me on Facebook (Writer/Editor page) (Fan page), Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram.