…Or a Blessings Basket, Blessings Bowl, Blessings Bag or Blessings Bin. It really doesn’t matter what you call it, or how you decorate it. What matters is what you put inside it. 🙂

There are several different ways you can do this. How you decide to do it depends on your family and what you think will work best for you.

Option one: Leave a notepad and pen near the box. Each time someone is thankful to God for something He’s given, or thankful to a family member for something, jot a quick note about it with the date, fold it, and put it in the box.
What then? Also your choice! Have a special day each month to open them and share with each other, wait until Thanksgiving of the next year to read them all, or something else.

Option two: Every time you are thankful for something God has blessed you with, put in a silver coin (nickel, dime, quarter), and when someone in your family does something you’re thankful for, put in a penny.
What then? The best thing would be to gather the money and give it to a special ministry in your church, or to a local or overseas charity close to your heart. You could do this once a year, around Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Option three: While everyone is waiting for the big meal on Thanksgiving, ask them to write something to put in the Blessings Box. This can be anonymous or not. It should be something meaningful that expresses how many blessings God has given throughout the year.
What then? Pass the box around, and each person reads one of the papers. Put papers in a scrapbook for future re-reads.

Option four: Make a Blessings Box for someone else, decorated beautifully, filled with small gifts, hand-written verses, sweet notes, healthy treats and whatever else.
What then? Give it to someone you know could use reminding about God’s goodness and blessings.

What are some ideas you can think of that would go along with this? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

God bless,

JennAbout Jenn: I’m a Christian wife to an amazing man (since 1998) and a stay-at-home-teaching mom to four special & incredible boys (born in 2004, 2005, 2007, & 2009). I’m messy and cluttered, but working on that (really, I am!). I’m a discouraged perfectionist and a classic procrastinator who probably has both ADD & Autism, so I tend to jump from topic to topic (and activity to activity) without notice. My Love Languages are Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. I’m an INFP who enjoys friends but loves to be alone. I love getting and giving hugs, and encouragement is a Spiritual gift of mine that can too-easily be turned into the weapon of discouragement, if I’m not careful. I enjoy writing, singing, words, drawing, photography, digital creations, and reading. Oh, and pizza, tacos, and steak. Now I’m hungry. That reminds me; I eat gluten free and try to eat organic and avoid white sugar and GMOs as much as possible.  Find me on Facebook (Writer/Editor page) (Fan page), Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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  1. Stopping over from #bloggercaregroup. I love the idea of a blessings basket. It’s a great way to keep all that God has done in one’s life before them. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Stopping by from the blogger care group as well. I think this is a wonderful idea, especially for kids. 🙂

  3. love this!! and i love making blessing boxes for others!! thanks for sharing your heart for others with this great idea!!


  4. Hi Jenn

    I love your ideas for a blessings basket. I have a journal where I write blessings down, but was wondering of a fun way I could do this with my husband. I think I will suggest this to him for the New Year, will be a great encouragement. Thanks!
    God bless

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