Being a mom of four boys (currently 11, 9, 7 and 5), I hear things like, “So you gave up trying for a girl, eh?” “Are you trying to go for a whole team?” “Um, they’re all yours?” “Just kept trying for that girl, didya?” the old “You know where babies come from, right?” and many others, most not worth sharing.
It seems that in our society, children are more of a nuisance than a blessing. In particular, sons aren’t deemed as special as they should be. They aren’t the adorable, sassy princesses that cause oohs, aahs and tons of glittery confetti, so they tend to be ignored.
Always against society’s norms, I wanted a boy first. I’m the oldest, and have two little brothers. I always wanted to have a big brother, so I always wanted to have a son first.
I admit I’ve always wanted a girl, but I’ve also been intimidated by the thought. I am kind of a tomboy, and not overly feminine. It’s not been until recently that I fully embraced trying to look cute and lovely. But I still appreciate being at home in a tee and sweats more than dressing up!
I actually sincerely prayed that the Lord would not give me a daughter if I wasn’t able to teach her to be the woman He wants her to be.
So, we see where that prayer got me. I have no daughter. 😉 I still have that longing, but I trust God’s judgement.
However, I have been incredibly blessed with four amazing sons.
Sons who stretch my patience to its limit and my creativity to the edge.
Sons who love mud, bugs and dirt and sons who shun mud, bugs and dirt.
Sons who would like to live outside and sons who dread going outside.
Sons who love hugs and kisses, and sons who love hugs but not kisses. Sons who enjoy nose nuzzles (mugga mugga) or forehead rubs.
Sons who like to BE loud, but hate hearing others being loud.
Sons who love being dirty, sons who hate being dirty, and sons somewhere in between.
Sons who love cats even though they’re allergic to them.
Sons who dream of LEGO set-ups and spend days making them.
Sons who will put anything non-food in their mouths but will only eat a few food items.
Sons who eat too much and sons who don’t eat enough.
Sons who like to hum strange not-really-a-tune-songs but freak out if another brother does the same.
Four sons as unique as can be. As different as each boy is, each one fiercely loves his mama and papa. And, even though they claim otherwise at times, they love each other.
They drive me crazy quite often, but I am so thankful for my boys, and I would not trade any of them for anything, even a girl.
One day, if the Lord tarries in His return, I will have daughters by marriage, and we will each love my boys. My relationship with each of my sons will change, as it should. Prayerfully, our bond will grow and will encircle my new daughters-in-love.
For now, I’m soaking up being the only woman in their hearts.
Well, aside from Gramma. 🙂
So, what’s it really like being a Boy-Mom?
It’s an amazing blessing from God above, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I took a survey of things that mean “BOY” to people and made a printable from it. If it looks like something you’d like, just sign up for the newsletter to receive it (and a few other freebies as well).
Do you have sons? Let me know about your relationship in the comments below! 🙂
God bless,