Busy Being…Busy

I don’t begin to know what your days are like. You could spend three hours with the Lord each day, in praise, worship, prayer, and Bible study. If so, you’re my hero!

As for me, I always have the best of intentions, but much of the time, devotions go to the wayside. My time with the Lord is relegated to a few minutes here and there during prayer, and reading Bible for the boys’ school. I say this in all humility, because I know this isn’t right. And speaking of busy…The gal who wrote this book, Katie Hornor, is a missionary in Mexico, homeschools her kids, has several family businesses (including a blogging mentor program), and has a popular podcast. I may be busy, but I have nothing on her!

Putting on the Spirit

I was thrilled to be able to read and review my friend Katie’s compact little devotional Putting on the Spirit: 10 Minute Devotions for Busy Moms. It sounded right up my alley! 10 minutes is just the right amount of time for me, usually! And when I go over (like I always do), I’m worshiping and enjoying the time so much, that I continue to make that time. Have you ever noticed that it’s easier to continue something good once you started it, than it is to get started in the first place?

This little book provides an amazing way to ease yourself into a habitual time of devotion. I have even grabbed it before heading to the bathroom for my own personal “leave-mama-alone” time. Once you get started, I promise it will get easier and easier to carve that time, and your moments with the Lord will grow longer and even more precious.

What I Thought

I really appreciated how Katie wrote so personally to us. She sliced up the different fruits of the spirit into 2-3 days each, giving a month’s worth of study. She got me to dig into other scripture and focus and dwell on what each fruit really means. While this isn’t a super-deep study, it’s definitely not shallow. It’s best for the seasons of extreme busyness, while we need to be watered daily. If you get the Kindle version, you’ll want to have a fun or pretty notebook to write in, since she does include questions and prompts. The paperback includes a bit of space on most days.

One of my favorite bits in the book is the last chapter:

This is not a fruit-basket life where we can pick and choose which part of Christlikeness we want to put on. No, this is more like an orange, where each virtue is a different slice of the orange. You must have all the slices together and in their places to have a whole, complete orange. Katie Hornor

So true! We can’t just say, “Oh, today’s going to be too stressful for me to have self-control. I’ll stick with love for now.” Each fruit is interwoven in the others. When Christ works in us, He works on each part to bring us more like Him.

Closing Thoughts

I HIGHLY recommend this little gem to any Supermom who needs to sit down and recharge with the Lord. It’s nice to throw off that cape every so often, just relax, and be a child of the King.
Final review: 5 out of 5 stars
Perfect for: Busy moms
Find it: On Amazon Kindle or Print. Also available on Kindle in Spanish!
Bonus: It’s in the King James Version.


About the author: 

Katie and her husband Tap are missionaries in Mexico. They homeschool their children and minister locally and through the international hispanic homeschool movement. Katie is a teacher at heart and by trade and loves speaking and writing to encourage women to find joy and fulfillment in their God-given roles.
Another book to check out by Katie: In Spite of Myself

I’d love to hear about it if you were led to get into this book because of me! Or tell me what devotional you’re going through.
Be blessed!

JennAbout Jenn: I’m a Christian wife to an amazing man (since 1998) and a stay-at-home-teaching mom to four special & incredible boys (born in 2004, 2005, 2007, & 2009). I’m messy and cluttered, but working on that (really, I am!). I’m a discouraged perfectionist and a classic procrastinator who probably has both ADD & Autism, so I tend to jump from topic to topic (and activity to activity) without notice. My Love Languages are Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. I’m an INFP who enjoys friends but loves to be alone. I love getting and giving hugs, and encouragement is a Spiritual gift of mine that can too-easily be turned into the weapon of discouragement, if I’m not careful. I enjoy writing, singing, words, drawing, photography, digital creations, and reading. Oh, and pizza, tacos, and steak. Now I’m hungry. That reminds me; I eat gluten free and try to eat organic and avoid white sugar and GMOs as much as possible.  Find me on Facebook (Writer/Editor page) (Fan page), Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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