Pray for your children, and pray for them often. Not only do Jeff and I pray for our children during our personal devotion time, but also as the Lord brings them to mind, throughout the day. When I catch myself worrying about one of my children, I try (key word) to pray about the specific thing I am worried about, which does far more good than worrying.
When they come to you with a heartache or worry, pray with your children. It is amazing and awe-inspiring that we can talk to the Creator of the universe about our children. It is also amazing to think that, as precious as our children are to us, they are even more precious to Him.
Also, we need to teach our children to pray for others. In our family devotions, we pray for missionaries, for the salvation of unsaved loved ones, for friends and family who we know are going through a difficult time, for the persecuted church, for our country and that we will stay strong for the Lord during a period in history when it is difficult to do so.
We also need to teach our children to thank the Lord for everything, from answered prayer, to providing our needs, and most of all, for our salvation.