Thanks so much for joining us for our Lights of Hope in Times of Darkness Series! Each post in the series is written by a different author. We hope you’ll be blessed, encouraged, challenged and comforted all at once. Please let us know if you need prayer – we’d love to pray for you!
As most of you know, I’ve fought depression since I was a teen. Then hormones added PPD for each of my babies. Now, after all these years, I know my depression is closely tied to something called PMDD, which means Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder. It’s like PMS on steroids. And one of the biggest problems with it is I never know when it’s going to hit.
Extreme rage, impatience, and frustration, are some of the worst problems, but sadness, numbness/apathy, and extremely low energy are also issues. It’s caused so many problems over the years.
It all came to a head at the end of 2015 when I checked myself into a facility.
To be honest, I’d never recommend a facility like I went to. It was terrifying. But it did kick start some changes.
I’m so thankful that I came out the other side. It’s taken a few years to get closer to normal. I want to take a moment to give two disclaimers here:
1 – I am still currently using one prescription anti-depressant. I’m attempting to slowly wean myself off it, as I have done with the other 13 or so I was on over the years (most prescribed by the doctor at the facility). Yes. Seriously. I’m on half a pill, when I was originally begging for more than two of these pills. I can now say with extreme happiness that I am completely weaned off this and all prescriptions!
2 – I am not a medical professional in any way. This is just my personal experience and regimen.
Increased public awareness of depression is thankfully leading to more open discussion about the many causes, and also the available options for dealing with symptoms, including the use of more natural things.
Both the causes and symptoms of depression are so varied and complex that there can’t ever be one single simple cure. For most sufferers, ‘cure’ in the accepted sense is not an option. So what we seek are non-harmful methods to mitigate the symptoms to enable those with depression to live as whole and happy a daily life as possible.
There are of course many forms of treatment. Some have unfortunate side effects, and many that don’t can require a huge physical and emotional commitment for sufferers and carers. Often the effort involved in the treatment is too much to be borne by an already fragile system.
More natural treatments can be a lifeline. As we depression sufferers are very aware, relief methods are cumulative and if a better state can be reached or maintained by any method that causes no harm, it can assist the person to take other necessary steps to help with respite.
1. Depression Fighting Foods, Supplements, & Vitamins
What you put in your body affects your mental health, and has a strong impact on depression.
This is a HUGE part of it, so I’m putting it first. My hormones have been out of balance for most of my life, probably as soon as puberty hit. I’ve tried different things over the years, but nothing has worked better than what I use right now. Every person is different, so you’ll probably have to play with things for yourself. But this is what I currently take daily:
A. Natural Balance from Earthley. I think if I could have only one thing, it would be this. It really has helped to balance me naturally!
B. CBD! I’ve used many different brands, and liked them all. I just go by what’s on sale really.
C. Calm & Clarity from Earthley does just that: calms and clarifies me!
D. Energy Plus from Earthley actually does give me more pep in my step. When I wake up especially groggy, I add a few more drops to help awaken me. This herbal remedy contains many vitamins, in small forms.
E. Fish Oil is always good for all around brain function.
F. B Vitamins! Research shows that a lack of B vitamins in your body can contribute to anxiety and depression. It’s easy to get a deficiency of these vitamins, so try to eat more legumes, meats, eggs, rice, leafy greens, avocado, and other sources of these nutrients.
~Niacin (B3). We watched a video that was amazing about Niacin’s affect on people’s moods. Even people with severe mood disorders were helped by taking high doses of this under-used vitamin. I am still searching for the whole video, but this is a part of it:
~Methylated Folate (B6). I have the MTHFR mutation so I need methylated B. B6 is another under-used vitamin, which is awful since it’s highly important to practically every part of our bodies (Seriously – check this out!)
~Methylated B12. Another great B vitamin that’s totally low in most people!
G. Vitamin D (taken at night). Find a good supplement, or better yet, cod liver oil!
H. Vitamin E. This vitamin can help lift your mood and has other benefits. You can find vitamin E in vitamin form, as well as in multiple food sources, such as nuts, seeds, and oils.
I. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and naturally improves your mood. Vitamin C is available in supplement form, but it’s also easy to find in food and beverages. Citrus fruits and drinks are a popular source, but broccoli, potatoes, peppers, and kiwi are also high in C.
J. Selenium is an important nutrient that can be found in food and supplements. This mineral has an impact on mood & mind, so it’s important to get enough of it in your diet. You can find selenium in beans, meat, dairy, nuts, seeds, grains, and seafood. Try to eat organic and full fat versions.
K. Anxiety Relief by Earthley. I don’t always need this, but I keep it on hand for extra bad days.
2. Fight Depression by Going Gluten Free
Closely tied to the above…Gluten can be a trigger in many people’s depression. I’ve been gluten free for many years, but every time I slip and decide “Oh, I should be fine now!” I regret it. It not only affects me physically, but it affects me mentally and emotionally. I get cranky, low, anxious, and just plain awful. Try cutting out gluten for a couple weeks to see if it can help clear your system. I hope to have a new post about this up soon!
3. Depression-Fighting Topicals
A. Sunshine! Actual sunlight is SOOOO important for moods. If you’re unable to be in the sun regularly, I suggest a sun light. They really do help. Also, I was taking my vitamin D topically for a while, but I can’t get over the strong fish smell in it. 🙁 but you might like it.
B. Essential Oils. My go-to is a citrus blend, such as Citrus Burst (I originally tried Citrus Bliss with Do Terra, and this brand’s blend is exactly the same.) As long as it has Sweet Orange and Bergamot in it, I’m good to go! The delightful citrus smell of them is invigorating and refreshing. The blend is used as a wonderful pick-me-up while calming the spirit and the mind that helps combat depression, fatigue, stress, and anxiety.
C. Magnesium Cream. There are many on the market, but the Good Night Lotion from Earthley is the only one I’ve used and loved.
4. Depression-Fighting Input
What goes in your mind is super important! If I find myself watching dark or depressing shows, following too many negative people on social media, or listening to music that isn’t uplifting, my mood reflects that. Sometimes it’s hard to avoid all negativity (because life is life), but I have to balance it with good things.
A. Read Your Bible. Staying in touch with God is extremely crucial for every believer, and even more so for those of us who suffer from depression and anxiety. Dig into his word. I like to hang out in Paul’s epistles. Sometimes the Psalms can be comforting, to know that I’m not the only one going through this, that it’s okay to cry out to God. Talk to Him before, during, and after reading.
B. Listen to Music. What we listen to is sooo important. I mainly listen to Christian music. Just some of my favorites are MercyMe, Steven Curtis Chapman, Fernando Ortega, Pat Barrett, The Sisters, Casting Crowns, The Afters, Josh Wilson, Matthew West, and Switchfoot. This song has been so meaningful to me, and I still listen to it every so often. Thankfully, I don’t bawl my eyes out every time I listen to it now.
C. Read Some Good Books. I read Christian fiction and Christian lifestyle books. There are times that I feel I need more “fluffy” books, and other times I like more “meaty.” A few great authors I follow: Chautona Havig, Angela Ruth Strong, Melanie Dickerson, Jody Hedlund, Gabrielle Meyer, and Lisa Heaton.
D. Watch Some Positive TV. I’ve been watching a channel called Frndly. It has all 3 Hallmark channels, UPTV, Pixl, and others. It’s like cable, but without the awful channels, and without the huge cost. The worst part about it is the commercials. I hadn’t missed commercials, and the ones during COVID19 have been practically unbearable. And all the medicine ones…Ugh. But the shows are wholesome (yes, usually cheesy) and lighthearted, and don’t cause my mind to travel to the dark side. We’ve also been utilizing Vidangel’s sweet deal of free service, so we can cut out bad stuff in regular shows on Amazon (and Netflix, before we ditched them).
5. Depression-Fighting Movement
Exercising is important for everyone, but especially for those of us suffering from depression and anxiety. I admit I don’t follow my own advice enough on this, but when I move my body, I’m in a much better mood overall! Try for a few minutes a day at first, and work up to about half an hour a day. Honestly, more than that probably won’t do much good to you.
Depression is such a complex thing, but I hope some of the things that have helped me will help you.
Drop me a message to let me know you’d like for me to pray for you. <3 We’re all in this together!!
God bless!!
![5 Heavy Hitters in My Depression Fighting Regimen](
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