Hey guys,
My wife and I are going to be starting a new blog series after the first of the year (March and April), entitled “Men After God’s Own Heart.”
We are looking for men willing to share how God has used you despite your weaknesses and imperfections.
God referred to David as a man after His own heart and yet we know David was far from perfect. The important thing was that David’s heart pointed toward the Lord.
We aren’t looking for modern day Davids. We are just looking for real men with real flaws who have stories to tell about how God has worked in their lives.
Your stories will be a real source of encouragement to our Christian brothers, by showing that you do not need to be perfect to serve the Lord.
So, I’m asking you to help me out. If you have a story to share, all you need to do is write it out and send it to me as a message or as an email. There are no length requirements. It can be as short or long as you like. Jenn will make graphics up for each post and edit all the posts to correct any grammatical errors but we really aren’t looking for perfect! Just honest stories from men who genuinely love the Lord.
So, if you are interested, comment here and/or send me an email to: busybeingblessed@gmail.com.
Thank you for your consideration and support.
God bless.
[adinserter name=”Jerry”]

Men After God's Own Heart Series Invitation

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One Comment

  1. This is a fantastic idea. Jenn brought this to my attention, but I wanted to stop by and say that though my plate is overflowing, I’m in.

    My life wouldn’t be where it is today, with a loving wife of 25 years (in 6 days), 12 beautiful children and 7 grandchildren if it were not for the Lord taking a direct interest in my life.

    There are so many miracles that i am grateful for…my only hope is that you’ll allow me to share more than one.

    God Bless you both and I look forward to contacting you as soon as i can wipe some of this deadline work off my plate!!

    Talk soon, Jerry!

    – Jaime Buckley

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