Have you seen this phrase going around on social media?
“I have been perfectly blessed and assigned by God to be the mom my kids need.”
I’m not sure where it originated, but I cringe almost every time I read it. I know it’s meant to encourage and strengthen. I know that the sentiment is true. More often than not, though, my heart responds with a spirit of defeat rather than victory.
I don’t usually feel like I’m capable of this parenting process I’m in the middle of.
Sometimes I think it’s ’cause my parenting began through adoption. My kids aren’t my flesh and blood. The ability to understand them isn’t genetically hard-wired. But I know biological mamas who feel like they’re the wrong mom for their kids too.
Do you ever feel the way I do?
Like you don’t know what you’re doing in this mom position?
Like you’re completely unprepared for the challenges?
Like you have no idea how to handle these kids . . . this phase . . .
Like you are just not cut out for this job?
Hey, do you think Mary, the mother of Jesus, felt like she could be an adequate mother to the Son of God?
But God CHOSE her!
When God chose Mary to be the mother of His only Son, He sent a messenger to comfort and encourage her with these words:
1) You Are Not Alone
The angel greeted Mary by announcing, “Hail favored one. The Lord is with you.” (Luke 1:28)
2) Don’t Panic – God Is Trustworthy
Understandably, Mary was anxious about this visit, so the angel said, “Do not be afraid.” (Luke 1:30)
3) This Isn’t All Up To You
When Mary questioned the reasonableness of the message, the angel responded with, “Nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)
Might Mary may have felt the same way we do? Could the same insecurities have run through her mind? Quite possibly. Yet consider her response:
“Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; be it done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)
She accepted the work God chose for her. No complaining. No arguing. She was willing to serve God His way. She humbly submitted to His plan.
Neither did her attitude change when she spoke to her friends. Have you seen what she focused on when she visited her cousin, Elizabeth?
It wasn’t her difficult predicament.
“My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. For He has regard for the humble state of His bondslave; for behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed. For the Mighty One has done great things for me; and holy is His name. And His mercy is upon generation after generation toward those who fear Him. He has done mighty deeds with His arm; He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart. He has brought down rulers from their thrones, and has exalted those who were humble. He has filled the hungry with good things; and sent away the rich empty handed. He has given help to Israel His servant, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and his offspring forever.” (Luke 1:46-55)
Mary focused on God.
God’s worth.
God’s ability.
God’s provision.
Was being the mother of God’s Son going to be easy? No!
It almost got her killed.
She became a social outcast.
Even after Jesus was born, she had to flee for her (His) life.
As He grew and matured, she couldn’t keep track of Him!
Neither you nor I are the first mother to feel inadequate. It doesn’t matter if you gave birth to your kids or adopted them. You did not know what you were getting yourself into!
But God did! He knew it would be hard. He knew you couldn’t do it alone.
He still knew what He was doing when He chose your kids for you!
The very same faithful, unchanging God who CHOSE Mary to be Jesus’ mother has CHOSEN you and me to love, nurture and train the very children He placed in our homes!
And He sends you and me today the same message He sent to Mary so long ago.
You have been chosen for this job.
You are not alone.
You can trust God’s plan.
This is not all up to you.
So don’t focus on your inability. Recognize it, but don’t stop there.
Focus on God. His worth. His ability. His provision.
When you’re feeling inadequate, remember these words.
Your sufficiency begins and ends with God.
Your kids have been assigned to you by God.
Trust His plan, and He will bless you with wisdom, courage and strength to be the mom He wants them to have.
About the Author: Abi Craig is an ordinary wife and mom serving an extraordinary God. It is her desire to inspire you to glorify God and enjoy life with your family. She spends her days loving her husband and keeping up with 5 colorful, noisy kids. At the end of the day she looks forward to a quiet walk or a warm cup of tea and a good book. Abi blogs at http://joyinmykitchen.com and you can also find her on Facebook and Pinterest.
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Beautiful post, Abi. Those 3 statements are so encouraging. I’ve been a mom 18 years, and it STILL feels like once I’ve got things figured out, it all changes on me! We need to focus on God and His power!
Thanks, Betsy. Thinking about John 15:5 tonight and reminding myself about these truths all over again.
Abi, your words remind me of a quote from Elisabeth Elliot (which I will not get exactly right but . . .): Our inability is a powerful claim on God’s enabling. I have felt inadequate for most of my nearly 22 years of mothering, but God has reassured me in so many ways that this is His assignment for me, and these are His hand-picked kids for me to be mothering . . . who am I to argue?
Blessings, and thanks for your words of wisdom!
Elisabeth Elliot had so many wise, encouraging things to say. It sure is good to have God on our side, ready to enable when (and even before) we call.
This is such an encouraging post because I so often feel like I am not cut out for this job of mothering. I love the fact that the angel sent Mary to Elizabeth, an older woman, to encourage her and help her through the first few months of uncertainty. We serve an amazing God Who truly loves us.