Love this!!
Were there any songs you didn’t recognize?

From his YouTube description:
A Cappella Arrangement by David Wesley The 1980’s is a decade marked by the rise of many gifted songwriters for the Church – many of whom are still active and celebrated today. This medley of 25 songs is the soundtrack of my childhood – though it did take my own church (and hymnbook publishers) a few years to catch on to these soon-to-be classics. I hope you enjoy remembering what the songwriters of the 1980’s had to say to and about our great God and Saviour.

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Song List: —————- 00:00 Create In Me a Clean Heart 00:29 In Moments Like These 00:53 King of Kings 01:04 I Will Call Upon The Lord 01:18 All Hail King Jesus 01:37 El Shaddai 01:56 There is a Redeemer 02:16 Change My Heart O God 02:34 People Need The Lord 02:53 Holy Ground 03:12 Come Into the Holy of Holies 03:31 As The Deer 03:47 Thy Word 03:57 He is Exalted 04:21 Victory Chant 04:34 My Life is In You 04:46 Blessed Be The Name of The Lord 05:04 Shine Jesus Shine 05:21 I Stand in Awe 05:42 Holy and Anointed One 06:04 Celebrate Jesus 06:14 Awesome God 06:27 God Is The Strength Of My Heart 06:44 Faithful One 07:01 Lord I Lift Your Name on High 07:41 Outro

#acapella #worship #vbs #sundayschool

JennAbout Jenn: I’m a Christian wife to an amazing man (since 1998) and a stay-at-home-teaching mom to four special & incredible boys (born in 2004, 2005, 2007, & 2009). I’m messy and cluttered, but working on that (really, I am!). I’m a discouraged perfectionist and a classic procrastinator who probably has both ADD & Autism, so I tend to jump from topic to topic (and activity to activity) without notice. My Love Languages are Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. I’m an INFP who enjoys friends but loves to be alone. I love getting and giving hugs, and encouragement is a Spiritual gift of mine that can too-easily be turned into the weapon of discouragement, if I’m not careful. I enjoy writing, singing, words, drawing, photography, digital creations, and reading. Oh, and pizza, tacos, and steak. Now I’m hungry. That reminds me; I eat gluten free and try to eat organic and avoid white sugar and GMOs as much as possible.  Find me on Facebook (Writer/Editor page) (Fan page), Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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