Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): The following is a review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I received a copy of this product and was compensated for my review. Even so, all opinions are my own and a positive review was NOT required.
I have tried many (all??) of the streaming subscription services over the years. I’ve tried PureFlix, Dove, Feeln, JellyTelly, and of course Amazon and Netflix.
I was really excited with the opportunity to try and review CrossFlix.
Unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed with the service. Most of the movies were ones I’d seen on other sites, but the biggest problem was that some of the movies weren’t even Christian.
My take on the matter is, it’s one thing to say that all of your movies are clean and family-friendly. But if you’re saying you’re a Christian streaming service, you should play only Christian movies.
One movie, in particular, still leaves me scratching my head. Pastor Shepherd, while hilarious, really made NO sense. It was NOT a Christian movie. If anything, it mocked Christians, at least televangelists.
A Strange Brand of Happy had potential, but I think it missed the mark.
My favorite movie, which I’d seen offered on other services but had never watched, was Mr Scrooge to Meet You. It was not the best acted, (though I loved the lead actor) but it was fun and had a great Christian message.
A couple other things that I appreciated: The Crossflix original Bible study series and the Torchlighter and other Christian cartoons. Many families will enjoy the classics, like Shirley Temple movies and Danny Kaye movies.
Site description:
Crossflix delivers the best in Faith Oriented Entertainment, Education and Inspiration by licensing and producing the best faith Content see New Featured Movies every week like “Like a Country Song” Starring Billy Ray Circus, Revive Us with Kirk Cameron, Gallows Road starring Kevin Sorbo and Ernie Hudson, Savannah Starring Jim Caviezel and Chiwetel Ejiofor, plus hundreds of award winning documentaries, Kids animation and the Crossflix Living Bible Series consisting of 50 Half hour Episodes.
Every family is different, so check out the free trial.
You can also enter to win a FULL YEAR’s subscription HERE!
I just canceled Netflix after hearing about the new movie that they are streaming that projects Jesus as gay and Mary as a pot smoking adulterer and I told them WHY I was dropping them. I currently have Pureflix and have enjoyed it immensely and plan to keep it. I also have amazon prime but we keep it because we can ship to our son for free when he is deployed/pcs’d to an overseas location with the Army and ship for free to our daughter in law and grandkids also wherever he is stationed. My question is are most of the movies the same or are there enough different movies/shows to warrant the 10.99 a month above what we pay for Pureflix?
Hi, Kerri!
I agree, that really made me sick to find out about. 🙁
It’s been over two years since I reviewed Crossflix, so I don’t know what content they have right now. The trial is for 30 days, so it can’t hurt to try it out! I actually think I may do another trial, just to get up to date on it. 🙂
Thanks for your comment, and I hope you have a blessed Christmas!
Hello. I do think the content is likely very good (have only watched a few yet). But I recommend not buying the 3-year deal unless/until you are sure that the streaming/your internet works for you. We bought the 3-year subscription, but wish we had not. Our internet is such that we get buffering every minute (very brief, but buffering none-the-less.) Plus, my husband has hearing issues, and Crossflix does not have CC, or subtitles, which makes it difficult for us. The company is not willing to give us a refund, to cancel our subscription.
I’m so sorry to hear that, Myrna! How long ago did you purchase it?
I am sorry but you must have a different service with crossflix plus than I do. It has been nothing but a nightmare. I unfortunately purchased the 3 yr and have hardly ever been able to access it. I get vague promises of fixes and when they do response to my inquiries it is only to ask me for the very same information I already gave them several times before. I despise this service and it isn’t for the content. The app and service itself stinks.