Don't Ask, Don't Tell?
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Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?

One day at work, I (Jerry) passed a co-worker and she asked absently, “How’s it going?” It was clear that she was in a bit of a hurry to get wherever it was she was going and wasn’t really looking for a detailed answer. She was just trying to be polite. But feeling a bit…

Our Specially Blessed Story: The Beginning
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Our Specially Blessed Story: The Beginning

April marks Autism Awareness month. When I told my oldest that, he asked what I meant. “Doesn’t everybody know about Autism already?” I tried to explain to him that it exists so people can keep it in their minds, and not forget about it. There are people who don’t know and love someone with Autism,…

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An open letter to the guy at Earth Fare

It had been a really exhausting day, and it was only 3pm. The doctor for my son’s surgery had been running almost an hour behind, so we’d been out much longer than we’d planned. My hungry boy wanted pizza, and Earth Fare was the only fast place I could think of. As we pulled into…