This is just a short excerpt from my post at Prov. 31.
Hey guys, it’s Amanda and I want to welcome you to Chapter 3, Pray So That. I am so excited to be sharing with you this week! Haven’t you just been loving how Wendy really walks us through digging in to God’s Word? I know I am!
We begin Chapter 3 in Part 1 where Wendy discusses prayer triggers and “watchwords.” As I read this section, I was reminded of an activity we did in Sunday school recently during a lesson titled, Jesus teaches us to pray.
The activity was to make a bag with cues to remind us what to pray for. I have named it our MVP (My Visual Prayer) Kits and would like to share with you how you can make your own. Better yet, make it a family activity! Watch this video below as I share my MVP Kit with you. (Ugh…the tech/video issues continue! The video and audio aren’t quite matching up today, but take a look and listen and you will be able to get the point.)
– See more at: Proverbs 31 Ministries